Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry involves performing dental treatment on a patient in an environment that is stress and anxiety free. It’s a way for dentists to help patients overcome common dental phobias. Many people neglect going to the dentist or getting their teeth taken care of because of this phobia. Often, dental problems are left unattended till the very last moment when extreme measures are needed.

Through sedation dentistry, patients are able to undergo dental treatments without any of the fear and anxiety that accompanies the treatment. Moreover, sedation dentistry reduces the number of visits required for dental treatment to just a couple of sessions. Sedation dentistry can be used to correct almost any kind of dental condition.

For dentists, sedation dentistry facilitates the easy performance of dental procedures. Patients are likely to be more cooperative under the relaxing effects of sedation. Treatments can also be quicker, because a number of procedures can be performed in a single session.